Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Day of School

So today was my last first day of high school. It was a little sad. I think that as you get older and older it is very comforting to think about the past. For example for the past few days I have been talking about when I was in elementary school and all of the memories from then. It's nice to dwell on how fun running on the playground was... and then reality hit me like a ton of bricks. I have to wake myself up and stop thinking about how I loved watching the gerbils run around in their cage in third or fourth grade, and start thinking about now. More importantly the boat load of homework I have already.
While I could only talk about how much work I have... I think it's more important to see the good in things. The best part of the day I think, was probably the feeling of being on top of the world. That is the only way to describe it. In my drawing and painting class the teacher asked everyone to say their name and grade. All the other kids went and said they were freshman. I wanted to stand up proudly and say "I AM RACHEL. THE SENIOR." I decided against it though.

I think I've talked enough about senior year, and it's only been a day. This is going to be a great year I can feel it. Can't wait to see what will happen tomorrow!

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