Sunday, August 29, 2010

Last Few Days of Summer

As the summer comes to a close I feel as if I need to move at lightning speed to finish a whole list of things. The most important is my spanish homework. It is a 112 page play in spanish and about 40 questions to go along with it. I can proudly say that I am more than halfway done.
I still have several things other than school work to get done before school starts. For example I still have to go to the zoo and take a trip to Water Country. I'm hoping in the next two days I'll do both of those.
I'm hoping that when school starts I will have much more to talk about in my posts. I admire people who are able to write long posts everyday. That amazes me. I think that's all for now.

Friday, August 27, 2010

What Should I Title This Post?

Today I decided that if I am going to play golf my clubs all need to fit me the right way. So I got my clubs shortened, and I am officially ready to go onto the course and play for a few holes. I think I'll start with nine holes instead of the full 18.
I have decided to help my mom out with her Sterling Silver Jewelery business. Today my job is separating earing backs into sets of three and placing them in a tiny plastic bag. This should be interesting. Every day I am more and more amazed at how hard she works. She plans out her own schedule and follows it and has time to take Max out for many walks. I think it is the little things that help her business move so smoothly. That is why I am happy to do silly tasks like peeling labels or stamping fifty catalogs.
I'm having a bit of writer's block... the reason for this is probably because all I want to talk about at this time of year is Halloween. I find that this could be a bit boring to read about every day. That is really ok with me.
This year for costumes I think I want to do something completely new to me. If I can figure out how to make a survey I'll do that. For now I'll just take suggestions by comments. As a refresher I have been a clown and a witch for a few years in a row, a Furby, a devil, a computer, and a goblin. I like the idea of a theme for a group. Seeing as I can't find enough people who agree with me that I am not too old that is not really possible. I think my next outing will be a trip to the Halloween store. I hope I'm not coming across as someone who is obsessed with Halloween. Maybe a little, but not completely obsessed. I like the idea of dressing up as someone else and being a completely different person for a night. When I was little I loved getting candy and sitting in the living room floor with my brother trading all of our loot. I always traded my Twizzlers for anything chocolatey or crunchy. This Halloween might be different because it will be the first one that I am allergic to peanuts. Every candy that I like has peanuts in them... so I might have to pass on that part of Halloween this year. :(
I think that's all for now. I promised a longer post didn't I? I think this one beats the previous ones in length!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hi Again

Hello again. So as my least favorite time of year rolls around I can only start thinking of my favorite holiday... HALLOWEEN. Every year around June I begin thinking about costumes. Last June I was too busy with junior year stuff to even have Halloween cross my mind. So now it's almost September and I haven't really started my Halloween process yet. So I have to start thinking extra hard about the perfect costume. In past years I've been a Furby, a computer (along with my brother), a devil with one friend and angel and the other friend half devil half angel, a witch, a goblin, and my most recent a clown. This year as a senior I have to really step it up and be something incredible. The thing is, everyone that I talk to seems to think that I'm way too old to go trick-or-treating. Thank you everyone for ruining my favorite holiday. What if I told someone that they were to old for Christmas, that would turn into a huge scandal. So I'm going trick-or-treating.
I wanted to take a poll and ask people if I was too old, to be honest it doesn't matter if I am or not. I'm going, end of story.
This post was kind of very short... so I'm making a promise as of now my posts will be much longer than this.
The end. Have a fun time Halloween shopping!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Post

Hello everyone. I decided that if I want to be a writer when I grow up I must start a blog now. I've read quite a few blogs and I've decided that mine is going to be nothing like anyone else's. I'm sure people say this all the time. But this time it will actually be different. My blog is going to be a little silly and goofy, like me.
I'm Rachel. I have a puppy named Max and a hamster named Teddy Bear, or Teddy for short. They love each other. Max loves to sniff Teddy. It is really cute. I have an older brother who I'm not really sure what I should say about him, except I wish that he wasn't so old, and that he should move back home instead of being in college. My parents are typical parents. I get in trouble quite often, because I like to be silly and goofy.
Every year since I quit playing soccer when I was ten or so I always hated telling people that I play no sports at all. I always dreaded the question, "So what sports do you play" and my response has always been, "none, at all." This year I want to change that answer. The problem is I hate running and being on a team. So I decided to take up golf. I got my own set of clubs and have gone to the golfing range a few times. I'm not the greatest golfer out there. Sometimes I've hit the ceiling or hit the ball so it goes behind me, causing the multiple families to laugh for a few minutes. I can't say that I get embarrassed because I love making people laugh.
I think that's enough for the first post. I'll try to write as often as I can.