Thursday, March 10, 2011

Nail Polish Colors

So since freshman year there has been this mysterious nail polish color that I have been searching for. I looked everywhere for it. All I remember is that it was so electric pink that it seemed to glow in the dark. Every so often I remember how badly I wanted this color. At one point in time, I would waste all of my money on every single shade of pink, just to see if it was right. Last year I started to give up my search for the one shade of polish that fit my bubbly personality. I decided (just now... as I write this post) that I am going to make it my goal to find this color before I graduate in 83 days, 10 hours, 59 minutes.
One afternoon while on an outing with my mom to get our nails done, I think that I may have spotted my mysterious color. It was sitting right on the shelf, so bright and colorful. Now as I think back to that day, all I can wonder is, why didn't I get that color? It would have saved me a lot of time and money... too bad, so I guess the search has to continue.
On some afternoons I will procrastinate and search for this color. The color (below) is the typical color that will always show up on my searches.
This color may be electric pink... but it is not the right one. In the past four years I have bought numerous colors, and borrowed colors from friends. You may think it is an obsession, and to be honest I think it is too. My name is Rachel Levitt, and I am obsessed with finding the perfect pink nail polish color. It hasn't started to interfere with my life, but it has started to make my wallet a little lighter. I also love to try different colors, not just pink. While I am incredibly frustrated that I have been unsuccessful at finding my dream color, I will say that wearing bright blue or aqua does change my mood a great deal. This one color has gotten me through some rough times. I love the way that it is so bright and bold, and sometimes can be louder than my voice... which, if you know me, is almost impossible.
I think that is enough for now. I could really talk about different colors all day... well all night really (it's 11:14pm).

If anyone has seen this color please let me know. You would really make my search a whole lot easier. Thanks. Hopefully you find that perfect color before you graduate!

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