Hello again. I have one thing that has been on my mind lately... and that is rain. This weekend was the Relay For Life. Many people came to spend the day trying to raise money for cancer research, and awareness for the terrible disease. There were also a large amount of people who decided to spend the night at one of the local elementary schools, where the event took place. We all knew that rain would be in our future, but no one expected it to be as dramatic as it actually was. I imagined a few light drizzles here and there. But instead, we were hit with massive drops that soaked everyone completely from head to toe. I overheard two friends talking one of them explained that once this rain started it would not stop for the entire week. I thought that this was a bit over dramatic.
Boy, was I wrong. It has been raining and pouring for days. This YouTube link explains my emotions clearly through song.
Honestly, Rain, please just leave us all alone. We don't want you here. I will admit it has helped my allergies. I have not had to take my usual allergy meds for a few days. So I will say a quick thank you to the miserable rain for clearing away all of the pollen.
As you can probably tell, I like to use different colors in my posts.
Anyways, I hope everyone finds something to smile about even though the weather isn't so great.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
This year I realized my immense love for shoes. Converse, specifically. I really enjoy adding color into my life, I find that a little extra brightness really can change my mood very quickly. My small collection of Converse sneakers is nowhere near complete at all. I have had my eye on neon ones for quite some time.
A few days, when I walked through the door after school, my mom exclaimed, "I have a present for you!" Typically when she says this it is usually gluten free cookies, she is gluten free, or something small to hang on my keys. This day, was different. When I opened the bag of goodies, there was no food in it, no little trinkets, but a pair of neon pink converse. My eyes almost popped out of my head.
This picture doesn't really show how neon my new shoes actually are. I almost need sunglasses just to look at them. They make me really happy. In my collection of Converse I have red and brown shoes. I love each of them for their own reasons. But my love for my new neon pink ones is pretty obvious. So if you see me walking down the hallway or out around town, be sure to put on a pair of sunglasses if you want to look at my bright new kicks.
The weather lately has been pretty crummy, it has been very dull and boring out. I hope that my bright shoes will add a little sunshine into your life. I know they help me smile during this gloomy week.
Keep smiling, we're (the seniors) just about done!!!
A few days, when I walked through the door after school, my mom exclaimed, "I have a present for you!" Typically when she says this it is usually gluten free cookies, she is gluten free, or something small to hang on my keys. This day, was different. When I opened the bag of goodies, there was no food in it, no little trinkets, but a pair of neon pink converse. My eyes almost popped out of my head.

This picture doesn't really show how neon my new shoes actually are. I almost need sunglasses just to look at them. They make me really happy. In my collection of Converse I have red and brown shoes. I love each of them for their own reasons. But my love for my new neon pink ones is pretty obvious. So if you see me walking down the hallway or out around town, be sure to put on a pair of sunglasses if you want to look at my bright new kicks.
The weather lately has been pretty crummy, it has been very dull and boring out. I hope that my bright shoes will add a little sunshine into your life. I know they help me smile during this gloomy week.
Keep smiling, we're (the seniors) just about done!!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
So lately I have been looking for something to inspire a new post. Today was the day that I found my inspiration. It is a little (not little at all actually) game called Assassins. It is played by high school seniors. The object of the game is to "kill" your target, by shooting them with a water gun. This game has brought out the competitive side in me, that I thought was nonexistent.

There are many different types of water guns.
Some of them are huge, and are almost bigger than I am.
These water guns mean business. Their owners are not playing a silly game. They want to win, and will do anything for a victory.
If this type of water gun doesn't catch your eye... then maybe another one of these enormous ones will.
Some of these guns are so big that they require an instruction manual just to understand them.
After the big guns, are the not as intimidating ones. I will be carrying one of these, because it is big enough to make the perfect shot, and small enough to carry around.
After these ones, come the not so serious little squirt guns. They come in all different shapes and colors. Some of these water guns are only purchased because of their appearance, not because they are good water guns.
Here are a few of my favorites...

Some of these guns are so big that they require an instruction manual just to understand them.
After the big guns, are the not as intimidating ones. I will be carrying one of these, because it is big enough to make the perfect shot, and small enough to carry around.
Here are a few of my favorites...
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Newest Viral Video
So recently there has been a song stuck in my head. For some reason I can't get it out... the reason is because it is being played everywhere I go. This song is by a 13 year old girl. I'm pretty sure most people have heard it by now, because it has been on YouTube and all over the news. I am talking about the song Friday, by Rebecca Black. (I'm not sure how to upload videos onto my blog yet... so there is the link... it's also here).
A few of her "brilliant" lyrics are...
And another thank you to Miss Black for teaching me the days of the week. She explains in simple terms the way that a week plays out.
I don't mean to be mean with this blog post, but I just had to get my thoughts, and this song, out of my head. I will say that I am pretty impressed that a 13 year old is able to get 44,075,303 (and counting) hits on YouTube. That is pretty cool.
I am looking forward to more of her "amazing" "songs". I wasn't sure which one I should put in quotation marks, because I was not sure which one I was being more sarcastic about. Did I really want to stress that I thought her song is "amazing" or did I want to comment on the fact that she can even call it a "song"? I don't know.
I think that this post is a little harsh. And I am sorry, Rebecca, if it offends you in anyway. I just wanted to get my thoughts out for everyone to read.
If I were her right now, I would sit down with a nice cup of tea and come up with a better song. But that's just my opinion.
A few of her "brilliant" lyrics are...
Seven a.m., waking up in the morningI have always had that same issue, when there are no open seats in the front (and a 12 year old is driving) but there is an open seat in back... I am just never sure where I should sit. I also would like to thank Miss Black for reasurring me that I should sit in the back seat. She really taught me a lot in just a short song.
Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs
Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal
Seein’ everything, the time is goin’
Tickin’ on and on, everybody’s rushin’
Gotta get down to the bus stop
Gotta catch my bus, I see my friends (My friends)
Kickin’ in the front seat
Sittin’ in the back seat
Gotta make my mind up
Which seat can I take?
And another thank you to Miss Black for teaching me the days of the week. She explains in simple terms the way that a week plays out.
I was never really sure what day came after Friday, but thanks to her I am now 100% positive. I would like to ask everyone reading this, that if I ever produce something as "wonderful" as this song, that you will tell me how "awesome" it really is. My favorite part of her song, if you can call it that, is the chorus.Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyin’)
We-we-we so excited
We so excited
We gonna have a ball todayTomorrow is Saturday
And Sunday comes after … wards
I don’t want this weekend to end
It’s Friday, FridayThis may be the one valid point in her whole song. Everybody is always "lookin' forward to the weekend" I know I sure am.
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Gettin’ down on Friday
Everybody’s lookin’ forward to the weekend
I don't mean to be mean with this blog post, but I just had to get my thoughts, and this song, out of my head. I will say that I am pretty impressed that a 13 year old is able to get 44,075,303 (and counting) hits on YouTube. That is pretty cool.
I am looking forward to more of her "amazing" "songs". I wasn't sure which one I should put in quotation marks, because I was not sure which one I was being more sarcastic about. Did I really want to stress that I thought her song is "amazing" or did I want to comment on the fact that she can even call it a "song"? I don't know.
I think that this post is a little harsh. And I am sorry, Rebecca, if it offends you in anyway. I just wanted to get my thoughts out for everyone to read.
If I were her right now, I would sit down with a nice cup of tea and come up with a better song. But that's just my opinion.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
SNOW? and Other Silly Things
Recently I have discovered two things. The first is a website called Dear blank, please blank. I love reading them. Back when I had actual homework to do after school, I would spend most of my time procrastinating by looking at this website. One that I can relate to:
The second thing that I want to discuss is the upcoming snow storm. Ok, let's be serious, it is the middle of March. I was hoping that it would snow on March 5th, because that is my birthday, and I was born in a blizzard, but it didn't. So why should it snow now? Really, I wrote about snow a few months ago. I think it's time to be done. Because if it doesn't stop snowing all of our houses are going to look like this...
The last snow storm we had I thought I was going to be buried alive under a snowbank. When I would take Max, my puppy, for a walk I was afraid that his little legs would sink all the way down, and he would be lost forever. He did sink down very far, but he enjoyed hopping around like a bunny. But really, as much as I love watching Max hop around, I really do not want any more snow.
So, I checked the weather (I am also experimenting with using links) and I discovered this image.
Immediately my mouth fell open, and I had to contain myself from letting out a loud wail. "ARE WE SEROUS?" Chance of snow from 2pm until 2am. I am disgusted in the weather at the current moment in time. I was so ready to put away my winter clothes, and throw my boots into the closet... but instead I have to put on my big puffy coat, and hat and gloves, to go trekking to and from school. Wonderful! Is it so much to ask for just another nice warm day? Instead we are going to be hit with a mountain of wintry flakes. I can't even bear to look back at my older posts where I expressed my love for the fluffy snow. I've had enough, and I'm ready for warmth and sun.
Ok, I think that is enough about snow.
In other news, I found my Pink (that looks kind of silly) nail polish that I have been looking for. After years, of searching I found it. I would like to thank an anonymous source for bringing me this wonderful color.
If you cannot read the label it says "Sinful Colors" and the color is "Fusion Neon" Really, anything with that name has to be perfect. Thank you so much for helping me find this color. The moment I got home I painted my nails and each time I look down at them a huge grin spreads over my face. I can't wait for the sun to hit them tomorrow... oh wait, it will be hidden by the falling snow. Either way, I am not going to let the chance of snow ruin my wonderful new pink nails. They are so bright they might even melt some of the snow. I mean anything can happen, it is going to snow in the middle of march...
As much as I am upset about the recent weather predictions, I will say that I do think it is absolutely gorgeous the morning after a big snowfall. It reminds me of a winter wonderland, because that's what it is.
Ok, I think that is all for now. Now that I really understand this blogging thing, I might try using different fonts, or more colors, or even video clips.
Thanks to everyone for reading my thoughts and ramblings.
This website is amazing. It really makes me laugh. I could fill up my entire blog with my favorite messages to ____ (blank). But I won't because I still have more things to talk about.Dear tall people,Sincerely, anonymous.Being short isn't so bad. We have rational fears like heights and grizzly bears. You have stupid fears like doorways and ceiling fans.
The second thing that I want to discuss is the upcoming snow storm. Ok, let's be serious, it is the middle of March. I was hoping that it would snow on March 5th, because that is my birthday, and I was born in a blizzard, but it didn't. So why should it snow now? Really, I wrote about snow a few months ago. I think it's time to be done. Because if it doesn't stop snowing all of our houses are going to look like this...
So, I checked the weather (I am also experimenting with using links) and I discovered this image.

Ok, I think that is enough about snow.
In other news, I found my Pink (that looks kind of silly) nail polish that I have been looking for. After years, of searching I found it. I would like to thank an anonymous source for bringing me this wonderful color.
If you cannot read the label it says "Sinful Colors" and the color is "Fusion Neon" Really, anything with that name has to be perfect. Thank you so much for helping me find this color. The moment I got home I painted my nails and each time I look down at them a huge grin spreads over my face. I can't wait for the sun to hit them tomorrow... oh wait, it will be hidden by the falling snow. Either way, I am not going to let the chance of snow ruin my wonderful new pink nails. They are so bright they might even melt some of the snow. I mean anything can happen, it is going to snow in the middle of march...
As much as I am upset about the recent weather predictions, I will say that I do think it is absolutely gorgeous the morning after a big snowfall. It reminds me of a winter wonderland, because that's what it is.
Ok, I think that is all for now. Now that I really understand this blogging thing, I might try using different fonts, or more colors, or even video clips.
Thanks to everyone for reading my thoughts and ramblings.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Nail Polish Colors (continued)
So tonight, like most nights, I was searching again for my mysterious nail polish color. I think I am officially becoming obsessive. I just want to find this color. Then I feel like everything else will fall into place. I found several pictures of my nail polish. I think I have found it, but I'm not completely sure. The only solution for this issue is... I'll have to buy each color that I find. I remember freshman year someone was telling me that there was also a neon green and a neon yellow nail polish that went along with the mysterious pink. So I searched for those colors, and found this...
The only thing is, the picture is way too small to figure out who makes it. So I guess my search continues.
Then I found another color, and it looked very close to what I am looking for. I thought that I had found it (see below)
But then when I looked online it came out in 2009. I was a freshman in 2007-08, so unless people were able to travel into the future to get this color I don't think it's "the one".
Then I discovered this wonderful collection of colors. First there is the pink... obviously.
Next there is the neon green, which I think I would enjoy wearing.
I really like that one a lot. It would match my neon green backpack for school.
Then comes the neon yellow. I would also love to wear it, especially on a bright sunny summer day.
I think this would glow perfectly in the sun.
Next, there is the bright orange. I am not really a fan of orange nail polish... bit with this one I could make an exception.
This color sort of reminds me of Kraft Macaroni And Cheese (my favorite). Next is a pinkish salmon color.
I kind of like it, but it doesn't really go along with my neon theme. And finally, there is the blue.
I really like this one a lot. I would love to wear this one.
This is the last image, I swear. It is a picture of all of the colors, and their names. Which I find very helpful, because I will definitely be buying them.
If you notice the image at the bottom, it shows what the polishes look like when they are painted on nails. I realize that none of these colors are my mysterious pink color. So I guess that means I have to keep looking. I might still have to search for my color, but I have all of these new ones to try.
If you have any ideas about the pink neon color that I am searching for please let me know. Thanks a bunch! Happy painting.

Then I found another color, and it looked very close to what I am looking for. I thought that I had found it (see below)

Then I discovered this wonderful collection of colors. First there is the pink... obviously.

Next there is the neon green, which I think I would enjoy wearing.

Then comes the neon yellow. I would also love to wear it, especially on a bright sunny summer day.
Next, there is the bright orange. I am not really a fan of orange nail polish... bit with this one I could make an exception.

This is the last image, I swear. It is a picture of all of the colors, and their names. Which I find very helpful, because I will definitely be buying them.

If you have any ideas about the pink neon color that I am searching for please let me know. Thanks a bunch! Happy painting.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Nail Polish Colors
So since freshman year there has been this mysterious nail polish color that I have been searching for. I looked everywhere for it. All I remember is that it was so electric pink that it seemed to glow in the dark. Every so often I remember how badly I wanted this color. At one point in time, I would waste all of my money on every single shade of pink, just to see if it was right. Last year I started to give up my search for the one shade of polish that fit my bubbly personality. I decided (just now... as I write this post) that I am going to make it my goal to find this color before I graduate in 83 days, 10 hours, 59 minutes.
One afternoon while on an outing with my mom to get our nails done, I think that I may have spotted my mysterious color. It was sitting right on the shelf, so bright and colorful. Now as I think back to that day, all I can wonder is, why didn't I get that color? It would have saved me a lot of time and money... too bad, so I guess the search has to continue.
On some afternoons I will procrastinate and search for this color. The color (below) is the typical color that will always show up on my searches.
This color may be electric pink... but it is not the right one. In the past four years I have bought numerous colors, and borrowed colors from friends. You may think it is an obsession, and to be honest I think it is too. My name is Rachel Levitt, and I am obsessed with finding the perfect pink nail polish color. It hasn't started to interfere with my life, but it has started to make my wallet a little lighter. I also love to try different colors, not just pink. While I am incredibly frustrated that I have been unsuccessful at finding my dream color, I will say that wearing bright blue or aqua does change my mood a great deal. This one color has gotten me through some rough times.
I love the way that it is so bright and bold, and sometimes can be louder than my voice... which, if you know me, is almost impossible.
I think that is enough for now. I could really talk about different colors all day... well all night really (it's 11:14pm).
If anyone has seen this color please let me know. You would really make my search a whole lot easier. Thanks. Hopefully you find that perfect color before you graduate!
One afternoon while on an outing with my mom to get our nails done, I think that I may have spotted my mysterious color. It was sitting right on the shelf, so bright and colorful. Now as I think back to that day, all I can wonder is, why didn't I get that color? It would have saved me a lot of time and money... too bad, so I guess the search has to continue.
On some afternoons I will procrastinate and search for this color. The color (below) is the typical color that will always show up on my searches.
This color may be electric pink... but it is not the right one. In the past four years I have bought numerous colors, and borrowed colors from friends. You may think it is an obsession, and to be honest I think it is too. My name is Rachel Levitt, and I am obsessed with finding the perfect pink nail polish color. It hasn't started to interfere with my life, but it has started to make my wallet a little lighter. I also love to try different colors, not just pink. While I am incredibly frustrated that I have been unsuccessful at finding my dream color, I will say that wearing bright blue or aqua does change my mood a great deal. This one color has gotten me through some rough times.

I think that is enough for now. I could really talk about different colors all day... well all night really (it's 11:14pm).
If anyone has seen this color please let me know. You would really make my search a whole lot easier. Thanks. Hopefully you find that perfect color before you graduate!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Prom Anyone?
Hello everyone,
(I would like to say that I am playing around with using images in my posts, so beware)
This week has been crazy, and it is only Monday. Several people have already popped the question... not for marriage, but for the second most important event in a girl's life. What is this event, you ask? Prom. This is the season where girls are trying to build up friendships with as many guys as possible, just to be safe. Guys are scrambling around to figure out how to ask their dream date. And that is just the start of it. Today I decided to take a trip to the mall and look around for what would catch my eye. So far I have narrowed it down to two things. The first, I don't really know what on earth I am looking for except that I might want a red dress... possibly. The second, I need all the help that I can get.
So here are all of the varieties of dresses that I am considering....

I am not going to lie, this is a stressful time. On the plus side, at least it's stress about dresses and shoes, instead of things like the SATs. Because this is such a stressful time, I would like to remind everyone to remain calm. Maybe have a sip of tea, I recommend my favorite, Pomegranate Pizzazz, with a spoonful of honey.

Just remember to stay calm and enjoy the last few months of SENIOR YEAR! And for those of you who are not seniors, just wait, it is really a great year!
Good luck to everyone for their hunt for a dress and a date. This should be very interesting.
(I would like to say that I am playing around with using images in my posts, so beware)
This week has been crazy, and it is only Monday. Several people have already popped the question... not for marriage, but for the second most important event in a girl's life. What is this event, you ask? Prom. This is the season where girls are trying to build up friendships with as many guys as possible, just to be safe. Guys are scrambling around to figure out how to ask their dream date. And that is just the start of it. Today I decided to take a trip to the mall and look around for what would catch my eye. So far I have narrowed it down to two things. The first, I don't really know what on earth I am looking for except that I might want a red dress... possibly. The second, I need all the help that I can get.
So here are all of the varieties of dresses that I am considering....

I am not going to lie, this is a stressful time. On the plus side, at least it's stress about dresses and shoes, instead of things like the SATs. Because this is such a stressful time, I would like to remind everyone to remain calm. Maybe have a sip of tea, I recommend my favorite, Pomegranate Pizzazz, with a spoonful of honey.
Just remember to stay calm and enjoy the last few months of SENIOR YEAR! And for those of you who are not seniors, just wait, it is really a great year!
Good luck to everyone for their hunt for a dress and a date. This should be very interesting.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Snow and Senioritis
So it's been a while since my last post. I'll be honest, I have a bit of writer's block. I think that the only way that I will overcome writer's block is by actually writing. I have always admired the way people add pictures into their blogs. So I'm going to try that out myself.
I would like to discuss one major thing. Snow. There has been a lot of it. For the past week or so every single time that I look out of a window I see it. Snow on houses, on cars, on streets, on people, it's everywhere. One of my favorite parts about snow is that it is incredibly fun to eat. It cools me off after sledding and building forts.
If you look carefully at your glove or mitten you can see that each individual snowflake is unique.
I love the way that snow just falls so quietly from the sky creating fluffy white blankets all over the town. The best thing about snow is that sometimes it is able to cause every kid in town to scream happily, "SNOW DAY!"
I know that this post was very short, but I'm trying. It's tough to write all the time. I really admire people who are able to blog everyday.
In other news, I am currently a second semester senior, and I have never felt better. If I think back to this time last year, I was incredibly stressed out and always on the go. This year, there are no major projects and the workload is very light. I love it! As we start counting down the days until we graduate I can't help but feel a little bit sad. I almost wish that we could stay seniors forever, but I'm really excited to start the next phase in my life.
Senioritis and snow are the perfect mixture to make any senior smile.
I would like to discuss one major thing. Snow. There has been a lot of it. For the past week or so every single time that I look out of a window I see it. Snow on houses, on cars, on streets, on people, it's everywhere. One of my favorite parts about snow is that it is incredibly fun to eat. It cools me off after sledding and building forts.
If you look carefully at your glove or mitten you can see that each individual snowflake is unique.
I love the way that snow just falls so quietly from the sky creating fluffy white blankets all over the town. The best thing about snow is that sometimes it is able to cause every kid in town to scream happily, "SNOW DAY!"
I know that this post was very short, but I'm trying. It's tough to write all the time. I really admire people who are able to blog everyday.
In other news, I am currently a second semester senior, and I have never felt better. If I think back to this time last year, I was incredibly stressed out and always on the go. This year, there are no major projects and the workload is very light. I love it! As we start counting down the days until we graduate I can't help but feel a little bit sad. I almost wish that we could stay seniors forever, but I'm really excited to start the next phase in my life.
Senioritis and snow are the perfect mixture to make any senior smile.
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