Wednesday, December 15, 2010

It's Been a While

Wow, it has been so long since my last post. I was inspired to write this blog by the wonderful snow that was falling this afternoon. Right now I am incredibly restless, because everyone around me is finding out about college... and I have to wait another month or so.
After taking a test today, I knew I needed something to make me smile. When I looked out of the window... there it was SNOW! It wasn't a heavy snow fall, but just enough to plant a smile right on my face. It was great!

This means a whole new time of year is starting. That time when everyone is pink in the face, and laughing all the time. I love it.

I think that this is all for now. This is a really short post. I'm hoping to have more to talk about soon!! Have fun getting ready to play in the snow!

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