Monday, September 6, 2010

First Essay of the Year

Finally I can officially say that I am done writing my first essay of senior year! I could go through all the details of the day and how I finally managed to get out a whole essay... but that would only bring back the horrible memories of writing it. I will say that it is hard to write an essay for a new teacher at the beginning of the year. Last year I knew what my teacher wanted in my essays, and how they should be written. This year it's a whole new set of expectations and guidelines. The roughest transition in essay writing was probably in middle school. I remember the first time I hear about a Five Paragraph Essay. I was frightened and ready to run. Now I look back and laugh, if only I could write such short essays now.
I am proud to say that I didn't wait until the very last minute, meaning midnight tonight, but instead I started early this morning, and I'm done before 4 p.m. That is change right there.

I think that the first of anything is always the worst. For example the first day of school last year, I thought I would pass out in the hallway because I had heard how awful junior year was. I got through it though, just like I did with my essay!

I hope this post looks longer than it does as I'm typing it.

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