Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hi Again

Hello again. So as my least favorite time of year rolls around I can only start thinking of my favorite holiday... HALLOWEEN. Every year around June I begin thinking about costumes. Last June I was too busy with junior year stuff to even have Halloween cross my mind. So now it's almost September and I haven't really started my Halloween process yet. So I have to start thinking extra hard about the perfect costume. In past years I've been a Furby, a computer (along with my brother), a devil with one friend and angel and the other friend half devil half angel, a witch, a goblin, and my most recent a clown. This year as a senior I have to really step it up and be something incredible. The thing is, everyone that I talk to seems to think that I'm way too old to go trick-or-treating. Thank you everyone for ruining my favorite holiday. What if I told someone that they were to old for Christmas, that would turn into a huge scandal. So I'm going trick-or-treating.
I wanted to take a poll and ask people if I was too old, to be honest it doesn't matter if I am or not. I'm going, end of story.
This post was kind of very short... so I'm making a promise as of now my posts will be much longer than this.
The end. Have a fun time Halloween shopping!

1 comment:

  1. i vote we trick or treat our hearts out, kay? we'll be avpm characters or bethenny or jakeandamir!!
