I would like to discuss one major thing. Snow. There has been a lot of it. For the past week or so every single time that I look out of a window I see it. Snow on houses, on cars, on streets, on people, it's everywhere. One of my favorite parts about snow is that it is incredibly fun to eat. It cools me off after sledding and building forts.
If you look carefully at your glove or mitten you can see that each individual snowflake is unique.
I love the way that snow just falls so quietly from the sky creating fluffy white blankets all over the town. The best thing about snow is that sometimes it is able to cause every kid in town to scream happily, "SNOW DAY!"
I know that this post was very short, but I'm trying. It's tough to write all the time. I really admire people who are able to blog everyday.
In other news, I am currently a second semester senior, and I have never felt better. If I think back to this time last year, I was incredibly stressed out and always on the go. This year, there are no major projects and the workload is very light. I love it! As we start counting down the days until we graduate I can't help but feel a little bit sad. I almost wish that we could stay seniors forever, but I'm really excited to start the next phase in my life.
Senioritis and snow are the perfect mixture to make any senior smile.